
Top 9 best Plugins for Ghost

Top 9 Best Plugins for Ghost

If you are looking to enhance your Ghost blogging experience, plugins can be a great way to add functionality and customization to your site. Here are the top 9 best plugins for Ghost that you should consider:

Table of Contents

Plugin 1: SEO Pro

Improve your site’s search engine optimization with this powerful plugin that helps you optimize your content for better visibility on search engines.

Plugin 2: Social Share

Allow your readers to easily share your content on various social media platforms with this plugin that adds social sharing buttons to your posts.

Plugin 3: Newsletter Subscription

Grow your email list and engage with your audience by adding a newsletter subscription form to your Ghost site with this plugin.

Plugin 4: Syntax Highlighting

Enhance the readability of your code snippets by using this plugin that provides syntax highlighting for various programming languages.

Plugin 5: Disqus Comments

Add a commenting system to your Ghost site with Disqus integration, allowing readers to leave comments and engage with your content.

Plugin 6: Google Analytics

Track and analyze your site’s traffic and user behavior with Google Analytics integration, providing valuable insights for optimizing your content strategy.

Plugin 7: Membership

Monetize your content by offering membership subscriptions with this plugin that enables you to create exclusive members-only content.

Plugin 8: Zapier Integration

Automate tasks and streamline workflows by connecting your Ghost site with other apps and services using Zapier integration.

Plugin 9: Custom Code Injection

Add custom code snippets, scripts, or styles to your Ghost site without editing your theme files using this plugin for easy customization.


Resolving Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Error 80004005

The error.

The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error 80004005 is a common error that can occur when connecting to a database using ODBC. This error typically indicates an issue with the database connection settings or permissions. Here’s how to diagnose and resolve this error.

Understanding the Error

The full error message usually looks like this:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

This error can be caused by several factors, including incorrect connection strings, missing ODBC drivers, or insufficient database permissions.

Common Causes and Solutions

  1. Incorrect Connection String Ensure that your connection string is correctly formatted and contains all the necessary details such as the data source name (DSN), username, and password. Example of an incorrect connection string:
   conn.Open "DSN=myDataSource;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword;"

Corrected connection string:

   conn.Open "Provider=MSDASQL;DSN=myDataSource;UID=myUsername;PWD=myPassword;"
  1. Missing ODBC Driver Ensure that the ODBC driver specified in your connection string is installed on the server. Solution:
  • Download and install the required ODBC driver from the official website or installation media.
  • Verify the driver installation by checking the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  1. Database Permissions Ensure that the user account specified in the connection string has the necessary permissions to access the database. Solution:
  • Verify the database user permissions.
  • Ensure the account has the required read/write access to the database.
  1. Data Source Name (DSN) Configuration Verify that the DSN specified in the connection string matches the DSN configured in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. Solution:
  • Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  • Check if the DSN exists and is correctly configured.

Additional Troubleshooting Steps

  • Check for Typographical Errors: Ensure there are no typos in your connection string or DSN.
  • Server Name and Database: Ensure the server name and database specified in the connection string are correct.
  • Firewall and Network Issues: Verify that there are no network issues or firewall settings blocking the database connection.


The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error 80004005 can usually be resolved by checking and correcting the connection string, ensuring the required ODBC driver is installed, and verifying database permissions. By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and fix this common database connection error effectively.

Databases SQLServer

Handling Arithmetic Overflow Errors in SQL Server

Handling Arithmetic Overflow Errors in SQL Server

Arithmetic overflow errors are common in SQL Server, particularly when data exceeds the storage capacity of the assigned data type. This guide will help you understand and resolve these errors effectively.

Understanding Arithmetic Overflow Errors

An arithmetic overflow error occurs when a calculation produces a result that exceeds the range of the data type used to store the result. This can happen in various situations, such as:

  • Inserting data: Attempting to insert a value that is too large for the target column.
  • Calculations: Performing arithmetic operations that yield results beyond the limits of the data type.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

  1. Inserting Data When inserting data into a table, ensure that the data types of the columns can accommodate the values being inserted. For example, attempting to insert a large number into a smallint column will cause an overflow error.
   CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
       SmallIntColumn SMALLINT

   INSERT INTO ExampleTable (SmallIntColumn) VALUES (40000);

Solution: Use a larger data type, such as INT or BIGINT.

   CREATE TABLE ExampleTable (
       IntColumn INT

   INSERT INTO ExampleTable (IntColumn) VALUES (40000);
  1. Arithmetic Operations Performing calculations that exceed the data type’s limits can also cause overflow errors.
   SET @SmallIntVar = 32767;
   SET @SmallIntVar = @SmallIntVar + 1;

Solution: Ensure that the variables and columns used in calculations have sufficient capacity.

   SET @IntVar = 32767;
   SET @IntVar = @IntVar + 1;
  1. Aggregations Aggregation operations like SUM can result in overflow errors if the result exceeds the capacity of the data type.
   SELECT SUM(SmallIntColumn) FROM ExampleTable;

Solution: Cast the columns to a larger data type before performing the aggregation.

   SELECT SUM(CAST(SmallIntColumn AS BIGINT)) FROM ExampleTable;

Best Practices to Avoid Overflow Errors

  • Choose appropriate data types: Always select data types that can handle the maximum possible values your application might encounter.
  • Validate input data: Implement checks to ensure input data falls within the acceptable range for the target column.
  • Use explicit casting: When performing operations that might exceed data type limits, cast columns or variables to a larger data type.
  • Monitor and log errors: Use error handling mechanisms to catch and log overflow errors, enabling you to diagnose and address issues promptly.


Arithmetic overflow errors can disrupt your SQL Server operations, but with careful planning and validation, you can prevent these errors from occurring. By choosing appropriate data types, validating inputs, and using explicit casting, you can ensure the smooth execution of your SQL queries and maintain data integrity.


Utilizing SharePoint 2010 Modal Dialogs

Certainly! Here is a rewritten version of the article, along with the updated code as per the context of the original article.

Utilizing SharePoint 2010 Modal Dialogs

In SharePoint 2010, the modal dialog feature is a versatile tool for enhancing user interaction by presenting content in a focused manner. This is especially useful for displaying forms, lists, and custom pages without navigating away from the current page.

Key Advantages

  • User Experience: Modal dialogs prevent full-page reloads, allowing users to maintain their context.
  • Seamless Integration: They can display content from various sources, such as lists or libraries.
  • Customization: You can configure dialog properties like height, width, and buttons.

Implementing Modal Dialogs

To incorporate a modal dialog in SharePoint 2010, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Page: Design the content you wish to display in a separate ASPX page.
  2. JavaScript Code: Use the following code snippet to open the modal dialog.
function openDialog(url) {
    var options = {
        url: url,
        width: 800,
        height: 600,
        title: 'My Modal Dialog',
        allowMaximize: true,
        showClose: true,
        dialogReturnValueCallback: Function.createDelegate(null, onDialogClose)

function onDialogClose(result) {
    if (result == SP.UI.DialogResult.OK) {
        // Handle the OK button click
        alert('Dialog closed with OK');
    } else {
        // Handle the Cancel button click
        alert('Dialog closed with Cancel');
  1. Integration with SharePoint: Add a button or a link in your SharePoint site that triggers the openDialog function.
<input type="button" value="Open Modal Dialog" onclick="openDialog('/sites/mySite/Pages/myPage.aspx')" />

Customizing Dialog Appearance

You can further customize the appearance and behavior of your modal dialogs by modifying the options in the JavaScript code. For instance, you can set allowMaximize to false to disable the maximize button or change the dimensions by adjusting the width and height properties.


SharePoint 2010 modal dialogs are a powerful way to enhance the interactivity of your SharePoint sites. By embedding content in modal dialogs, you can improve user experience and streamline interactions within your SharePoint environment.


LINQ to SQL Best Practices

Best Practices

  1. Single SubmitChanges Call: Aim to have one call to SubmitChanges to ensure all database operations are performed in a single transaction.
  2. Explicit Column Selection: Specify the column names explicitly to improve performance by reducing data flow.
   var result = from t in db.Countries
                select new { Name = t.Name, ID = t.CountryID };
  1. Delay Loading: Set Delay Loaded property to false for columns with large data to load them only when necessary.
  2. Use Stored Procedures for Complex Queries: For complex queries, use stored procedures to avoid performance issues with LINQ queries.
  3. Deferred Execution: Understand that LINQ executes queries when you start iterating over the results, keeping the connection open during this time.
  4. Immediate Execution: Use .ToList() or .ToArray() to execute queries immediately and store results in memory for lengthy operations.
   var data = query.ToList();
  1. Class Design: Avoid dumping all database tables and stored procedures into a single class. Separate read-only tables and log tables to optimize memory use.
  2. Multiple Data Contexts: Create separate data context classes for read-only and transactional data. Disable ObjectTrackingEnabled for read-only data contexts to improve performance.
   DataClasses1DataContext dataContext = new DataClasses1DataContext();
   dataContext.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
  1. Disable Optimistic Concurrency: Turn off optimistic concurrency if the application logic ensures the last update wins.
   [Column(Storage="_Name", DbType="NVarChar(50) NOT NULL", CanBeNull=false, UpdateCheck=UpdateCheck.Never)]
   public string Name { /* implementation */ }
  1. Monitor Generated Queries: Regularly monitor the queries generated by LINQ to optimize performance and understand query behavior better.
  2. Compiled Queries: Use CompiledQuery.Compile for frequently executed queries to improve performance.
   var compiledQuery = CompiledQuery.Compile((DataContext db, int id) => db.Table.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id));
  1. DataLoadOptions: Use DataLoadOptions to prefetch related data and reduce database calls.
   DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
   options.LoadWith<Student>(s => s.Subject);
   context.LoadOptions = options;
  1. AssociateWith for Filtering: Use DataLoadOptions.AssociateWith to filter related data.
   DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions();
   options.AssociateWith<Student>(s => s.Subject.Where(sb => sb.Id == 3));
  1. Paging with Take and Skip: Use Take() and Skip() methods to implement paging and fetch only the required data.
   var pagedData = db.Table.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();

These practices aim to enhance the performance and efficiency of applications using LINQ to SQL. Regular monitoring and optimization are key to maintaining optimal performance.


SortedSet Collection Class in C#

Title: Mastering C# SortedSet Collection Class: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to harness the power of C#’s SortedSet collection class for efficient data management and retrieval? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of SortedSet, exploring its features, benefits, and practical examples to help you leverage its full potential.

Understanding SortedSet in C

SortedSet is a versatile collection class in C# that maintains elements in sorted order without duplicates. It combines the capabilities of a set (unique elements) with the properties of a sorted collection (ordered elements). This makes SortedSet ideal for scenarios where you need fast access to sorted data with automatic duplicate handling.

Key Features of SortedSet

  1. Automatic Sorting: Elements are automatically sorted based on their natural order or a custom comparator provided during initialization.
  2. No Duplicates: Ensures that only unique elements are stored in the collection.
  3. Efficient Operations: Provides efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations with logarithmic time complexity.

Practical Examples

Let’s dive into some practical examples to illustrate how you can use SortedSet in your C# applications.

Example 1: Sorting Integers

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        SortedSet<int> numbers = new SortedSet<int>();


        foreach (var number in numbers)

In this example, a SortedSet numbers is created to store integers. Elements are added in random order, but when iterated through the set, they are printed in sorted order (1, 2, 5, 8).

Example 2: Custom Sorting with Comparer

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        SortedSet<string> words = new SortedSet<string>(new CustomLengthComparer());


        foreach (var word in words)

class CustomLengthComparer : IComparer<string>
    public int Compare(string x, string y)
        return x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length);

In this example, a custom comparer CustomLengthComparer is used to sort strings in words based on their lengths.

Benefits of Using SortedSet

  • Efficiency: Ideal for scenarios requiring frequent sorted operations.
  • Simplicity: Provides a clean API for managing sorted unique data.
  • Flexibility: Supports custom sorting and duplicate handling strategies.


Mastering C#’s SortedSet collection class empowers you to manage data efficiently with built-in sorting and unique element handling. Whether you’re sorting integers, strings, or custom objects, SortedSet provides the tools you need for streamlined data management.

Start integrating SortedSet into your C# projects today to experience enhanced performance and simplified data handling. Stay ahead in your development journey with this powerful collection class!

For more information and advanced usage scenarios, visit the official Microsoft documentation on SortedSet.


Sending and Parsing Emails with Microsoft Exchange Web Service Managed API SDK

Using the Microsoft Exchange Web Service Managed API SDK, you can easily perform various email-related tasks. Here’s a quick guide on how to send emails, reply to them, and parse email content using C#.

Setting Up

  1. Add Reference: Download and add the Exchange Web Service SDK.
  2. Using Directive:
   using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;

Initialize the Exchange Service

Create and configure the Exchange service object:

ExchangeService exchangeService = new ExchangeService();
    exchangeService.AutodiscoverUrl("[email protected]");
catch (AutodiscoverLocalException ex)
    exchangeService.Url = new Uri("");
exchangeService.Credentials = new WebCredentials("userName", "Password", "Domain");
// OR
exchangeService.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("userName", "Password", "Domain");

Sending Emails

Send an email with a few lines of code:

EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(exchangeService);
message.Subject = "This is the subject";
message.Body = "This is the body";
message.ToRecipients.Add("[email protected]");

Replying to Emails

To reply to an email:

public void ReplyToMessage(EmailMessage messageToReply, string replyBody)
    messageToReply.Reply(replyBody, true);
    // Or
    ResponseMessage responseMessage = messageToReply.CreateReply(true);
    responseMessage.BodyPrefix = replyBody;
    responseMessage.CcRecipients.Add("[email protected]");

Creating Appointments

To create recurring appointments:

public void CreateRecurringAppointment()
    Appointment appointment = new Appointment(exchangeService)
        Subject = "Sample subject",
        Body = "Body of the appointment",
        Start = new DateTime(2022, 1, 1, 18, 0, 0),
        End = Start.AddHours(2)
    appointment.Recurrence = new Recurrence.WeeklyPattern(new DateTime(2022, 1, 1), 2, DayOfTheWeek.Monday);

Parsing Emails

To parse and iterate through emails:

public void ParseEmails()
    FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = exchangeService.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, new ItemView(int.MaxValue));
    foreach (var item in findResults.Items)
        EmailMessage message = EmailMessage.Bind(exchangeService, item.Id);
        string subject = message.Subject;
        string body = message.Body.Text;
        if (message.HasAttachments)
            // Handle attachments

This guide highlights key functionalities provided by the Exchange Web Service Managed API SDK for handling emails efficiently.